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Discover the Soothing Effects of Massage Therapy

Massages are not only a wonderful method of relaxation but also offer numerous health benefits.

Massage therapy can help bring balance to your body and mind and promote overall well-being.

Through massage therapy, you can:


  1. Release muscle tension and alleviate pain

  2. Reduce stress and anxiety

  3. Improve circulation and lymphatic flow

  4. Strengthen the immune system

  5. Enhance the quality of sleep


In our fast-paced world, it's important to take time to care for your body and mind. Massage therapy provides a wonderful opportunity to do so.


Treat yourself to a massage and experience the soothing effects firsthand!

Relaxology / Massage Therapy / NLP - Coaching                 Energy Therapy / Spiritual - Coaching                                      

Intuitive Massage

Intuitive massage is a holistic form of massage that combines various techniques and therapies, tailored to the individual's specific needs. The massage therapist relies on their intuition and ability to listen and respond to the client's physical and emotional signals.

Unlike structured massage techniques that follow a specific procedure or sequence of movements, intuitive massage allows the therapist to adapt to the client's needs flexibly. The therapist may incorporate elements from different massage styles such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, reflexology, and other techniques.

The goal of intuitive massage is not only to alleviate physical discomforts such as muscle tension or pain but also to promote emotional and mental well-being. It can help reduce stress, enhance overall well-being, and induce a deeper sense of relaxation and inner harmony.

Intuitive massage assumes that the body, mind, and soul are interconnected and that well-being on all these levels is crucial for overall health. It views the individual as a whole and aims to restore balance and harmony on all levels.

Classic Massage

Classic massage, also known as Swedish massage, is one of the most well-known and widely practiced forms of massage. It was developed in the 19th century by the Swedish physician Per Henrik Ling and is aimed at loosening and relaxing the muscles while improving circulation.


The classic massage consists of five basic techniques:


  1. Effleurage (stroking): This often marks the beginning and end of a massage. The flat hand or fingertips glide over the skin, promoting muscle relaxation and improving circulation.

  2. Petrissage (kneading): Muscles are kneaded or rolled between the thumbs, fingers, or both hands. This helps release tension and promote circulation.

  3. Friction: Small circular movements are made on the skin with the fingertips or palm of the hand. This can help loosen scar tissue and improve circulation in deeper layers of tissue.

  4. Tapotement (percussion): The hands rhythmically tap on a muscle group, increasing muscle tone and circulation.

  5. Vibration: The hands are rapidly moved back and forth to create a shaking or vibrating motion. This can help relax the muscles and improve circulation.


Classic massage can help with various conditions such as muscle tension, pain, stress, and headaches. It promotes relaxation, improves circulation and lymphatic flow, helps eliminate toxins from the body, enhances flexibility, and promotes overall well-being.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage is a form of massage performed using heated stones. These stones are typically made of basalt, a volcanic rock that retains heat well. The stones are heated in a water bath to a temperature of around 60 degrees Celsius.


During a hot stone massage, the warm stones are placed on specific points along the spine, face, chest, hands, feet, and sometimes between the toes. This helps to release muscle tension and promote circulation.

Additionally, the therapist may use the warm stones to perform gentle and deep massage strokes. The combination of heat and pressure helps release deep muscle tension while promoting relaxation and well-being.

Energy Massage

Energy massage is a form of body therapy that aims to improve the balance and flow of "life energy" (often referred to as chi, prana, or qi) within the body. It is based on the belief that our body is surrounded by an energy field and that blockages in this field can lead to illness and discomfort.

Energy massage integrates techniques from various massage traditions, including shiatsu, reiki, reflexology, and acupressure. Therapists may also incorporate elements from yoga and meditation. Instead of traditional massage techniques, the focus of an energy massage therapist is to "sense" and manipulate the client's energy field using their hands.

The goal of energy massage is to dissolve energy blockages in the body, restore energy balance, and promote the free flow of life energy. This can help alleviate physical discomfort, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

It's important to note that energy massage should be considered as a complementary therapy and not a substitute for traditional medical treatments. It's always advisable to consult a physician or qualified therapist before starting energy massages or any other alternative therapies.

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